Can Muslims Touch Dogs? The Ultimate Guide

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Kerala Owner abandons dog, says Pomeranian had ‘illicit affair

Introduction: Why This Article Matters

As a Muslim, you may have heard conflicting opinions about whether or not it’s okay to touch dogs. Some people say that dogs are unclean and that contact with them is forbidden, while others say that it’s perfectly fine as long as you wash your hands afterwards. So, what’s the truth? In this article, we’re going to unpack the issue of whether or not Muslims can touch dogs, and explore the reasons behind the differing opinions.

Can Muslims Touch Dogs? The Short Answer

The short answer is that there is no definitive answer. The Islamic tradition contains a range of opinions on the issue of touching dogs, and there is no consensus among scholars. Some argue that dogs are inherently impure, while others say that they are not. Some say that touching a dog invalidates your wudu (ablution), while others say that it does not. Ultimately, whether or not you can touch a dog depends on your own personal beliefs and the interpretation of your religious community.

The Origins of the Prohibition on Dog Touching

The idea that dogs are impure and that contact with them is forbidden is rooted in the Hadith, a collection of sayings and actions attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In one Hadith, the Prophet reportedly said, “Angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.” This has been interpreted by some scholars to mean that dogs are unclean and that contact with them is prohibited.

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The Debate Over Dog Touching

While some scholars argue that dogs are inherently impure, others say that this is a misinterpretation of the Hadith. They point out that the Prophet himself had a dog, and that he used to pray in the presence of dogs. They argue that the Hadith should be understood in its cultural and historical context, and that it does not necessarily apply to all dogs at all times.

What About Service Dogs?

One area of debate concerns service dogs. Can Muslims touch and use service dogs? According to the Islamic Society of North America, Muslims are allowed to use service dogs for medical and safety purposes, as long as they follow certain guidelines. These guidelines include performing wudu after touching the dog, and avoiding contact with the dog’s saliva or feces.

The Importance of Personal Belief

Ultimately, the issue of whether or not Muslims can touch dogs is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. Some Muslims choose to avoid contact with dogs altogether, while others have no problem petting and playing with them. As long as you are comfortable with your own beliefs and practices, there is no right or wrong answer.


In conclusion, the issue of whether or not Muslims can touch dogs is a complex and multifaceted one. While some scholars argue that dogs are inherently impure and that contact with them is forbidden, others say that this is a misinterpretation of the Hadith. Ultimately, whether or not you can touch a dog depends on your own personal beliefs and the interpretation of your religious community. If you do choose to touch dogs, be sure to practice good hygiene and follow any guidelines set by your community.

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FAQs About Muslims and Dog Touching

1. Is it haram for Muslims to touch dogs?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some scholars argue that dogs are impure and that contact with them is forbidden, while others say that it is not.

2. Can Muslims use service dogs?

Yes, Muslims are allowed to use service dogs for medical and safety purposes, as long as they follow certain guidelines.

3. What should I do if I accidentally touch a dog?

If you accidentally touch a dog, there is no need to panic. Simply perform wudu (ablution) as you would normally do before prayer, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

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