Online Bachelor Degree Programs In Legal Studies

Online Bachelor Degree Programs In Legal Studies – Whether you want to work as a paralegal, get a job with a non-profit organization or work in court, or even go into law enforcement, an online law degree could be in your future and could be a great way to get ahead. prepare for your career. Online law school degrees offer flexibility and convenience to avoid huge college debt. In addition to a flexible schedule, many online law degrees can be customized in a variety of ways to help you achieve your career goals. In this ranking, we focus on the cheapest online law degree because finances are tight for many people right now. Even if you get through college on student loans, people are realizing that carrying large amounts of student debt is a heavy burden for those entering the workforce. Lowering your costs is the first step to reducing that debt. We’ll talk about college education and career opportunities for students studying law online in the FAQs following this ranking.

Bellevue’s Online Graduate Program in Legal Studies offers a 60-credit accelerated transfer student package. Enrolling in an accelerated cohort means you enroll in courses once when starting the program, and then take one course at a time with the same peer group, allowing you to progress through your degree. establish collaborative relationships. In this program, you will learn about professional and ethical responsibility in law; the US legal system and judicial process; and legal research, analysis, and writing.

Online Bachelor Degree Programs In Legal Studies

UMGC offers many minors to pair with degrees such as the practice of law, which can be extremely beneficial. Political science, public safety administration, oral communication, business law, human resource management, health management, communication studies, and criminal justice would be some good ideas to consider. Be sure to check out all available minors because there are many more that you might find interesting.

Law Degree Online, Online Law Degrees

SUNY Canton Bachelor of Legal Studies can be taken 100% online. Students will study topics such as business law, financial accounting fundamentals, criminal practice, legal research, professional writing and communication, constitutional law, and advanced legal writing, and undertake an internship at the end of the program.

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Students who graduate from Stevenson University’s three-year online legal studies course will be able to undertake work that includes legal research and writing, gathering information electronically, investigating cases, interviewing witnesses, writing briefs, including managing the preparation of the process and support for litigation and drafting of contracts. This program is particularly suitable for students who want to become paralegals.

Penn State World Campus offers online law and business courses. Graduates will have opportunities to work with law enforcement, non-profit organizations, regulatory agencies, small businesses, the military and politicians. Some examples of jobs you can find with this degree include paralegal, mediator, arbitrator, conciliator and contract negotiator.

Purdue University offers online law degrees in global environmental policy and management, and legal support and services (with an optional concentration in paralegal studies). If you’re not sure if online learning is right for you or if you can adjust to it now, Purdue Global is offering a free, no-obligation, three-week introductory period so you can test the waters. is the right choice for you.

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Hodges University’s online law degree is designed to prepare you for careers in a variety of legal fields, including working as a paralegal or earning your law degree. Of course, there are many jobs available for people with a legal background, even if they are not lawyers. Hodges online courses have monthly start dates, allowing you to choose when to start your degree and adjust the pace as needed along the way.

You can start your Bachelor of Professional Studies in Legal Studies online at Dominican University whenever is most convenient for you. Graduates of this program can be found in law firms, corporate law firms, advocacy groups, and more. Individuals who want to become a paralegal can take courses in civil litigation or real estate law to prepare for the certification exam.

The online law studies degree offered by UMass Global focuses primarily on business law. The program will be of interest to students working in the fields of employment law, intellectual property and commercial transactions. Students will take courses such as white collar crime, fundamentals of law, legal research and writing, business organization, torts, litigation and trial defense, and law firm management.

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Students who graduate from this program will be prepared to work in law firms, state and federal courts, corporations, businesses, banks, educational institutions, hospitals, advocacy groups, and trust societies. These types of institutions need people at all levels who understand the law, so you don’t have to be a lawyer to work in the legal field.

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Frequently Asked Questions Even affordable online legal degrees are expensive. Any advice on how to pay for one?

Yea! One of the most important college financial aid tools is the Free Federal Student Aid Application (FAFSA). This is the tool that the federal government and the schools you apply to will use to determine your eligibility for financial aid. Almost all students in the US fill it out. However, did you know that there is a limited amount of funding available from the federal government through grants and through all colleges and universities?

Most people think that financial aid is primarily related to how good your grades are. And truth be told, most colleges and universities have amazing scholarships for students with good grades. But there is another factor that can affect the amount of student aid you can receive that has nothing to do with your grades. Most colleges and universities offer need-based financial aid and some government resources, such as grants based on individual financial need and on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that the sooner you apply, the better your chances of getting the help you deserve. So get your college applications ASAP and fill out the FAFSA ASAP. If you are entering an online legal study program with year-round admission, talk to a financial aid officer about when is the best time to apply for the most financial aid.

What about the quality of the diploma and education? the answer is yes. Absolutely. Also, colleges do not distinguish between online and in-person degrees in their degrees. However, the important thing to consider is whether pursuing a law degree online is the right choice for you. Different people learn in different ways. Online learning is not the best option for everyone, just as on-campus learning is not the best option for everyone. Online learning has a lot to offer. It’s flexible, it’s convenient, you can join online from anywhere. In most cases, you can set the program’s speed according to your needs. But, if you’re not sure if the format is right for you, there are plenty of options that allow you to take university courses for free (not for credits) that you can use to test the waters. Purdue offers a three-week trial that allows you to take three weeks of the course to see if the format suits your needs. You can also take this test if you are looking for a different school, just to see if the online classes are in line with yours. So if you’re not sure, there are plenty of ways to explore online learning that won’t cost you a dime.

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Online Degrees, Certificates, And Courses

There are many jobs available for people with a legal background, even if they are not lawyers. Paralegal might be the obvious choice, but law enforcement, real estate, law librarian, and social worker are also good choices (although you’ll need to get a college degree to become a law librarian or social worker). Companies also prefer to hire people with a legal background who are not lawyers. For example, having someone in your human resources department with more extensive legal training than a business degree can be extremely helpful. Nonprofits, charities, and community organizations also often need people with knowledge of the legal system to advocate for clients or navigate complex legal bureaucracies to achieve their goals. Additionally, a law degree can lay an excellent foundation for a future law degree if you decide to become a lawyer.

It mostly depends on what you decide to do with it. If your goal is to earn a college degree, your earning potential will expand, as will your career opportunities. But in some cases, there are also opportunities available to you without a college degree that are also quite lucrative. For example, see the short list of career options below. Salaries listed are median annual wages for these occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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